I fjol gick de skånska och topprankade inkubatorerna Minc, Ideon Innovation, Hetch och Krinova ihop och bildade Skåne Ventures, som blir en av Sveriges största investeringsstrukturer för investeringar i tidiga startups. Trots utmaningarna att resa kapital i ett betydligt tuffare världsläge har de i den första stängningen rest 33,6 miljoner kronor i investeringskapital som ska investeras i startups under de kommande två och ett halvt åren.
Read blog →Minc är utsett till ett av Europas 100 främsta startup-hus, enligt en granskning av europeisk affärsmedia. Utmärkelsen är en bekräftelse för Malmö stads inkubator Minc, som sedan starten 2003 främjat innovativt entreprenörskap och en dynamisk miljö för växande företag i Malmö.
Read blog →We explored important reports on women's entrepreneurship and venture capital to bring you key highlights. This overview celebrates successes and the journey towards more diversity in the startup ecosystem.
Read blog →Welcome to the real, down-to-earth, ‘hey, I can do this too’ stories of Minc Sprint alumni. Unfiltered, genuine, and utterly inspiring.
Read blog →Navigating a new market can be daunting, but Minc's recent event, "How to Sell in Denmark," illuminated the path with clarity and expertise. Forget the Little Mermaid and LEGO for a moment; we're diving into Denmark's business scene.
Read blog →Raman is sharing his ideas about shaking up the old-school hiring game, helping startups grow their teams, and bringing a fresh vibe to how things are done.
Read blog →Minc has always been about breaking boundaries and fostering connections, and our recent expedition to Japan was no exception. Our colleague, Sanna Lindberg, was part of this exciting journey. We sat down with Sanna to hear about the trip, the connections made, and what this means for startups at Minc and in Tokyo.
Read blog →Discover how Fatemeh turned challenges into wins, and find your own inspiration to leap forward.
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