May 31, 2022

We Are Minc - Workipelago

We Are Minc - Workipelago

“It’s quite obvious, if you’re in Malmö looking for a startup community, Minc is the first name that pops up!” says Mammad, founder of Workipelago.


Workipelago first joined Startup Labs in 2020, but the pandemic prevented them from truly starting the program and being part of the community, which at the time was completely online. Because of this, they re-joined in 2021. At this time, Mammad was still working his full time job.

“If you have a full time job or other commitments and you have an idea that you really want to explore, it’s a great place. You can just come and experiment and you get help from coaches that guide you.” says Mammad. 

Workipelago is an interactive floor plan for any organization. With a lot of things changing in the everyday work life for many people, they created a solution that manages these changes in order to bridge the gap between the physical and digital workspace. The focus is on people and collaboration rather than the workplace itself. 

“It’s an archipelago for workplaces!” says Mammad. 

You would think that the idea arose due to the pandemic and the sudden change of work climate, but that’s not the case for Workipelago. The startup itself was actually founded back in 2018. Workipelago as we know it today started “for real” in the beginning of 2020 from a problem Mammad experienced when working within big corporations. How will you know or meet someone new joining the company and how are you supposed to find and collaborate with a colleague that you have never met? When starting to map out the organization and people in his head, the idea struck him; How great wouldn’t it be to have an actual map in front of you?


“Not every idea is a business. The coaches at Minc Startup Labs help you find out if your idea is a potential business or they can help you pivot your idea and turn it to something else.” says Mammad. 

In the beginning of 2022, Workipelago took yet another step on their journey, joining the Incubator, which confirms that their idea has true potential. Shortly after that, Mammad left his previous job and decided to commit full time to developing and running the startup. Since joining the program, things are starting to change rather quickly for the Workipelago team. You start making an impact for real.

“With coaches guiding and pushing you forward, setting goals and tracking your journey, you start to experience real achievements within your business.” says Mammad.


Right now, Workipelago is focusing on full time engagement and building their strong and driven core team in-house. They recently released their Microsoft Teams app and have some first pilots going on. They are working towards going into scale up!

“We want the company to become synonymous with workplace collaboration. If you want to build a team, an organization or restructure an already existing one, Workipelago should be the go-to solution.” says Mammad.


“The best thing about running your own business is that you get to make a real impact in an area where you want to. You’re actually steering the ship! It gives you a career boost and motivation that is hard to get in a regular job.” says Mammad.

If you are thinking about starting the same journey as Workipelago is currently on, Mammad advises all startups from his own experience to start building a network and to develop their selling skills, before you start doing business. You’ll get a solid foundation and the tools necessary to run your startup, before you start to invest all your time and money in vain. 

Also, don’t get stuck too long in the startup bubble. You are growing and sooner or later, your startup will hopefully become an enterprise. You’ll need a strong and solid baseline and structure quite early on to benefit your company in the long run. You can’t keep running your business as a startup, when you are no longer a startup. The people working are key to your success, and if you don’t put time on building a culture, they will eventually leave. 

“This is what Workipelago wants, to give the companies a visualization of their organization at any point, so they can look at this data and make the decisions on how to organize their organization” says Mammad.


“The best thing is the network and community, and also the whole spirit here that people are genuinely trying to help you. All the generosity!” says Mammad.

We thank Mammad and Workipelago for sharing their journey and advice with us. We look forward to seeing you grow even further in the house! Feel inspired? Read more about our different programs here.

About Minc

At Minc, we believe in creating something bigger than yourself. We offer everything an entrepreneur needs to go from concept to market in-house. Our international network of advisors and award-winning programs will help your startup scale faster and smarter. Welcome to the startup house of Malmö.

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