March 30, 2021

Transparent and equal - the new normal in business

Transparent and equal - the new normal in business
And how Minc’s Code of Conduct supports us in this.

Guest blog: Karin Lintrup, Head of Sustainability

As soon as we start collaborating and engage in relations with others, we act from a certain set of rules and behaviors. These can be formal or informal, implied or explicit. Agreeing upon which rules we act by, is essential for any kind of collaboration. We know that from childhood playing in the sandbox, the school’s grading system, and the Thursday’s chess clubs. Some rules are set in law in our society, whilst others aren’t.

When it comes to business, there are certain formal rules that are applicable in one country, but might differ from those in another one. When it comes to more informal and implied behavior and rules, the picture gets a lot messier. It can be very tricky to learn if you’re not familiar with that society or context.

At Minc, we believe it is crucial that everybody knows which rules we play by. This is especially important for creating an inclusive and diverse playground for different businesses and people. We see transparency, openness, and integrity as crucial in our work. This is how we build trust with our stakeholders, which gives us the opportunity to operate and guide both entrepreneurs and startups to become successful.

This is why we have created Minc’s Code of Conduct. It underlines the basic principles in all our relations and the ways we work. Our Code serves as a common ground for equal and non-discriminating business relations, and a sound and healthy environment taking existing and future generations' needs into consideration.

The Code serves as a guide to how we engage with our stakeholders and how we expect them to engage with us. It incorporates all business relations and stakeholders, from board members to employees, owners, investors, partners, and suppliers, and not the least entrepreneurs and startups. Our code is universal, based upon the United Nations Ten principles for uniting business for a better world. By implementing this to all our business relations, we want to ensure a good foundation for all to work in. Please read our Code of Conduct here below!

We look forward to working together with you.

/Karin Lintrup, Head of Sustainability

Minc Code of Conduct 2021

About Minc

At Minc, we believe in creating something bigger than yourself. We offer everything an entrepreneur needs to go from concept to market in-house. Our international network of advisors and award-winning programs will help your startup scale faster and smarter. Welcome to the startup house of Malmö.

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