November 14, 2022

RemotiveLabs secures funding

RemotiveLabs secures funding
At Minc we always strive for our startups to aim higher then they can image, that's why we were so happy to hear your success stories. RemotiveLabs started at Minc in 2020, at that time they were called Beamy labs. They focus on license software that enables automotive developers to prototype new features and test their software in cheaper, faster and easier ways than has been possible in the past. The product solves a tangible problem in a huge market. They have proved that it works and have revenue streams in place. There is a kick-ass initial team onboard and they are ready to expand!
RemotiveLabs Founder and CTO Aleksandar Filipov together with Co-Founder and CEO Per Sigurdson

------Press release from RemotiveLabs------

RemotiveLabs secures funding for automotive software platform enabling iteration and speed

Startup RemotiveLabs is set to ensure that all software engineers, independent of industrial background, can solve challenges and collaborate in the cloud using best-practice approaches in software development. The Malmö-based AutoTech company has secured funding of 900k Euro and is now ready to scale internationally.      

RemotiveLabs enables automotive OEMs to take full ownership of their software development while allowing engineers to utilize the processes and languages of their choice. “Speed and quality in software development is defined by iteration” says Aleksandar Filipov, Founder and CTO and adds: “Yet in the automotive industry software engineers are hindered by traditional processes, outdated tooling and by a hardware-centric approach requiring physical access to the electromechanical parts”.

Investors include Volvo Cars Tech Fund, Almi Invest and private investor Anette Saleskog. The new funding will be used to continue to develop the platform and to grow awareness in the global marketplace. “The status quo tooling is not only expensive, but also hindering      innovation and lowering productivity. We see a great response to what we’ve built so far and now we are set to grow a global community with a developer-first mindset to software in automotive” adds Per Sigurdson, Co-Founder and CEO.

RemotiveLabs has built a strong momentum in a short period of time with platform growth through word-of-mouth. Use cases include simplifying early-stage design verification, enabling more efficient collaboration with partners as well as simplifying continuous software integration. “Today, Volvo cars are increasingly defined by software-driven functions. RemotiveLabs provides one of the innovative tools supporting the real-time communication between our cars and virtual environments to help accelerate our software development,” comments Patrik Bengtsson, Head of Software Platform at Volvo Cars.

Software is transforming the competitive landscape in automotive. Several strong trends including autonomous vehicles, connectivity, electrification and shared mobility further add complexity. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) rely on software innovation while adhering to industry’s traditional and long-established value chains.

RemotiveLabs team 2022

About RemotiveLabs
RemotiveLabs was founded in 2020 at Minc the startup house of Malmö with a vision to democratize software development in the automotive industry. The lightweight platform for iterative and fast software development increases transparency and adds flexibility with a developer-first approach. Find out more at  

Contact information: CMO Carin Lagerstedt, +46706254464


RemotiveLabs are creating history by changing the world and democratizing software engineering in the automotive industry. Make sure to follow their journey, and visit their website to see all their fantastic work:

About Minc

At Minc, we believe in creating something bigger than yourself. We offer everything an entrepreneur needs to go from concept to market in-house. Our international network of advisors and award-winning programs will help your startup scale faster and smarter. Welcome to the startup house of Malmö.

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