May 10, 2023

Quritis is selected for the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) 100-list

Quritis is selected for the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) 100-list

Quritis: Christian Gehrmann, Konrad Eriksson, Hannes Ullman

Quritis is selected for the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering  Sciences (IVA) 100-list

Congratulations to Quritis, selected for the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) 100-list revealed earlier today! The list draws attention to research projects to increase their opportunities to be realized through collaboration with industry.

The co-founder and researcher behind the profile generator technology, Christian Gehrmann, applied for the list earlier this spring, and it was only a few weeks ago that the Quritis team found out that they got a place on the list.

We are, of course, very proud and happy that IVA is recognizing our technology. Still, we are even happier that this research area with such strong momentum is made visible; security solutions have great commercial potential, says Hannes Ullman.

Quriti's patented technology is used to automatize the creation of tailored security profiles, a proactive security solution that helps companies protect customer data. Potential customers are, for example, banks and financial institutions that need better protection for their online services.

Quritis makes it easier for companies to build secure online services and counter hackers. This can save enormous resources, and even protect those responsible from ending up in prison for not protecting their customer data, says Hannes Ullman, CEO.

Quritis is part of Minc's incubator program and raised SEK 3 million in an oversubscribed pre-seed round this January. They are currently working on commercializing the technology through beta tests together with reference customers:

We have learned from previous adventures … even though we know what the core technology can do, we have enough start-up experience to know that we must include the customers' needs and wishes early in the process, says Hannes Ullman.

The 100-list was launched in connection with IVA's 100th anniversary and is a central part of IVA's long-term initiative and investment Research2Business, R2B. The purpose of the 100-list is to make it easier for research-based projects and companies to make valuable contacts with the business world to create new innovations and business opportunities together. The 2023 list focuses on research projects in climate change, energy supply, welfare technology, cyber security, and crisis preparedness.

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