December 1, 2022

Pitching for the first time, for the whole Sweden to watch

Pitching for the first time, for the whole Sweden to watch
Meet Ivan Perlesi, CEO and founder of Virotea, they offer  VR experiences that are adapted for elderly care as well as for people with special needs. The idea for the company was born after a dialogue with Ivan's father, who is a specialist in psychiatry. They realized that there was potential to improve conditions for residents in aged care by offering digital travel using Virtual Reality (VR).

Ivan joined Minc in 2018 and his startup have grown in size. They are five people in the team today and they are expanding. What is interesting with Viroteas founder, Ivan, is that he has never pitch before, and it isn’t because there was a lack of opportunities, at Minc we offer lots of options to pitch, both in smaller groups, but also to bigger audience, like at Minc Capital Day. Ivan never felt like he had to pitch and instead went ahead and decided to have his first time pitching to be in front of five investor, the SVT camera crew and the Swedish people watching. Draknästet, a Swedish television show, was Ivans first platform to pitch. At Minc we make sure that our entrepreneurs are bold and fierce, but this is the first time we encounter an entrepreneur this bold!

Before pitching Ivan made sure to use the help we offer at Minc, we have a variety of coaches available to our entrepreneurs and Per Ögren became his main coach. Per was the one that helped Ivan to perfect his pitch by hearing it over an over again, until it was ready to perform.

“When people ask me what I do at Minc, it isn’t always the easiest to explain. Six months ago Ivan from Virotea reached out to me to help him with his pitch for SVT show Draknästet, I gladly took this chance and together we trained until the pitch was there. This explains what I do, “I help companies explain their business and core value by choosing the right story for the right receiver, making sure to always create curiosity and engagement.” - Per Ögren, coach at Minc

Later on, it was time to take it to the next level, let someone new hear the almost finalized pitch and give feedback. This is an important lesson to all, make sure to have at least one person preparing you and at the end, making sure to have at least another one listening to the pitch.

“It was exciting to give feedback to Ivan’s pitch fore Draknästet. Both because it’s was so top secret, which made Ivan look over his shoulder the whole time, making sure that no one heard or looked into our room and also because he was so awesome! From the beginning he delivered a great pitch that he knew by heart, and when I watched it, 4 months later on SVT, I could remember almost every word. He is a star!” - Jonas Jönsson, coach at Minc

Did you watch the show? Then you know that he got a YES from four of the investors. Congratulations Virotea! Shervin Razani, one of the investor who said yes, gave the feedback "good pitch" to Ivan, and we totally agree! Amazing work Ivan! We hope to see you pitching more in the future!

ViroteaED, the next step

They are releasing a new product in their VR services focusing on education, ViroteaED. Their main target group are people working in the caregiving business, and it focusses on giving them the experience of the clients with intellectual disabilities and cognitive impairments, for e.g autism and dementia. The VR enhances the understanding of the struggles and obstacles that the clients may face which will help the staff to have a better understanding of their clients. Make sure to follow Virotea's journey here:

Once again, congratulations to Virotea and bold move Ivan, we can't wait to see what other things you inspire us towards. We look forward to seeing you grow even further in the Minc house!

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At Minc, we believe in creating something bigger than yourself. We offer everything an entrepreneur needs to go from concept to market in-house. Our international network of advisors and award-winning programs will help your startup scale faster and smarter. Welcome to the startup house of Malmö.

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