May 19, 2021

Minc Tourism Accelerator: Skate Away Food

Minc Tourism Accelerator: Skate Away Food

This past weekend MTA, Minc Tourism Accelerator, made an experiment on food delivery. We teamed up with the MTA alumni Mitt Möllan mall, current MTA participant WEIQ and Bryggeriet, local skate upper secondary school.

Instead of having food delivered by bikes or cars, students pushed the food by skateboards to parks, and houses around town. At the same time, to raise money for the upcoming graduation party - as soon as the pandemic allows it.

To make things happen, people and businesses need to come together. When bridges are built and ideas start to flow, exciting things will come out of it. This is in particular important in these times of a pandemic we're all in. Especially for the hospitality industry. Even small ideas spark big ones.

We love to help, and we love our city. That is why we are here in the first place. To able to help both past and current participants in our MTA program - and the young students at Bryggeriet in a creative way like this is a great win for us.

Want to know more about MTA? Click here!

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