July 1, 2021

Meet Minc: Jenny Strömberg

Meet Minc: Jenny Strömberg

We recently welcomed Jenny Strömberg into the Minc Team! Jenny has previously worked as an Investment Manager at Almi Invest and started her own consultancy company - so she knows her way around the startup bubble.

Tell us a bit about yourself - who are you and what do you do at Minc?
I'm a business coach at Minc Incubator and my ambition is to support entrepreneurs to reach their targets quicker, while avoiding as many mishaps as possible along the way. I'm a positive person who likes to share my knowledge and insights with others. I work half time at Minc and run my own consultancy company the rest of the time.

What key things do you look for in companies who apply to the Incubator?
Innovation and scalability, but also how the team plans to position their business idea. I also try to get an understanding of their grit and ability to succeed.

How did your journey within the startup industry begin?
I've worked in entrepreneurial companies throughout my career and in 2009 I joined a SaaS-company as co-owner and CEO and I was stuck (in a good way). My journey as an entrepreneur was the most intense period of my life and I learned a lot.

Based on your experience, name three qualities that are important for an entrepreneur to possess!

  1. Grit, as you can't give up too easily.
  2. Problem-solving capabilities - when you reach a dead-end, how do you navigate around it?
  3. Customer interest, so that you don't fall in love with your product and forget to involve the market/the ones paying for your offering

What do you like most about Minc?
The atmosphere - that everything is possible!

Meet Jenny and other business coaches in the Incubator at Minc!

About Minc

At Minc, we believe in creating something bigger than yourself. We offer everything an entrepreneur needs to go from concept to market in-house. Our international network of advisors and award-winning programs will help your startup scale faster and smarter. Welcome to the startup house of Malmö.

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