Breakfast seminar on Teams:
Most powerful companies are successful primarily due to their teams! A variety of knowledge, experience, background, nationality, and gender is what makes them attractive and so successful. To be able to discuss ideas and get feedback from colleagues that think differently is only creating value for the whole company. But do we know what the best, most effective or a diverse team actually is?
If you are interested in finding out more, please join us for a morning seminar with Psykologpartners and SingularityU Nordic.
08:00 Breakfast is served
08:15 Welcome from Minc
08:20 Effective teams for startups- seminar with Psykologpartners
09:20 Break
09:30 Diverse teams - seminar and panel discussion with SingularityU Nordic & MINE, Aktarr, Almi, Swiftcourt
10:45 Q&A
Effective Teams seminar with Psykologpartners:
Teams and teamwork are two important success factors, and at the same time challenging - especially for Start-ups and growing companies. We know that effective teams greatly contribute to the success and wellbeing of an organization. Rapid changes, growth and changing markets mean that we have to develop our understanding of teams - how do we get our team to embrace the journey ahead?
Psykologpartners in Skåne invites you to a breakfast seminar on the theme "Effective Teams for Start-ups". During the seminar, we will present in brief what modern research claims to be "must-haves" for team development to get the desired effect, and important factors for achieving a good composition, cohesion and common goals - especially for growing teams. Anna Rattigan will lead the seminar along with our team of experienced Organizational Psychologists and they will share their experiences, along with methods and theories that have proven to be effective in practical everyday life. Psykologpartners will also highlight how cost-effective external support can be! Read more about Pskykologipartners here
Diverse teams seminar with SingularityU Nordic:
Diversity is a hot topic in the industry set with its challenges and benefits. Join us to hear from our SingularityU Nordic Faculty, Isabelle Ringnes, Founder of TENK, a technology network for women which aims to inspire women and girls to shape our world's future. Co-Founder of Hunspanderer, an organization working to achieve real gender equality and have a practical discussion listening to successful founders on hacking Diversity. We will cover a multitude of perspectives, tools, tips as well as listen to the value diversity has had for successful entrepreneurs and how they work with it. Giving you the insights to identify how you can work on creating a diverse and inclusive culture and how you can leverage it to support your growth journey.
About Psykologpartners:
Psykologpartners is a leading consulting psychology firm in the Nordics, with offices in eight cities around Sweden. We currently have 120 highly qualified consultants working with us, and we’re still growing. We provide services within Clinical-, Educational-, Industrial and Organizational-, as well as Digital Psychology. Our customer base comes from both public and private sector.
20 of our consultants are specialized in Organizational Psychology with a Master’s degree - or higher - in Psychology. In addition, many of our consultants have several years of experience working as managers. By using scientifically proven research on human behaviour, we help businesses to promote workplace practices vital to their long-term success. We provide tools and methods to help people move towards positive and result-driven accomplishments.
About SingularityU Nordic:
As a catalyst for change, we run education, innovation, and impact programs that help others leverage rapidly accelerating technologies—including artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, blockchain, and digital biology—in innovative ways to unlock solutions that can positively impact millions, if not, billions of lives. Read more about Singularity here
Welcome to register for the whole morning or just one session! Let's create great teams!