Welcome to Open Desk on Thursday, October 8th between 09:30 and 11:30

Open Desk at StartupLabs with Jeanette Andersson

Startup Labs, Minc, Anckargripsgatan 3, 211 19, Malmö

On this edition of Open Desk Minc is hosting Jeanette Andersson from Minc. You can come by and talk to Jeanette about the following topics:    


. How to finance your start-up?

. What are the available options and what would be the most valid option for different types of companies?

. How do you attract an investor and how do you think about valuation of your company

About Jeanette: Jeanette Andersson is the current CEO at Minc and an active angel investor. Shas a major experience when it comes to financing and angel investment. She has several years of operational sales & marketing experience in international automation industry and ten plus years experience in entrepreneurship and company development.


Drop by: first come, first served. There’s no booking, just come downstairs at Startup Labs and talk directly to Jeanette.

This is open to all currently at Minc and it’s free of charge.


About Open Desk:

Open Desk is an opportunity to the entrepreneurs at Minc, more specifically the ones at StartupLabs, to get one-on-one advice provided by other institutions operating within the Öresund region and within the Innovation system free of charge.

Minc will host someone working within the Innovation system to be at StartupLabs  and the entrepreneurs will then have the chance to drop by for advice. The institutions as well as the person representing it will be announced prior to each edition highlighting which topics are available for consultation. (Check minc website, Minc Insider and/or the Newsletter to be up-to-date).

There is no booking needed, simply drop by at the set time and date to talk directly with the person available at the Open Desk that week and make the best out of your time!

This is open to all currently at Minc and it’s free of charge.

This is an initiative by Minc.

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