How to do business with large companies?

Breakfast Session with Ignite

Minc, Malmö

Breakfast session with Ignite

On 28th April, straight after Minc’s Thursday breakfast, you are invited to join a session to talk with Ignite Sweden about how to make business with corporates.

With experience from more than 4,500 tailored matchmaking meetings between startups and corporates and over 300 commercial collaborations along that road, Ignite has profound experience in startup-corporate collaborations.

Cathrin Johansson, Sara Hamlin, Linn Sidahl

Breakfast session at Minc

Come and listen to Sara Hamlin, Head of Corporate Relations; Cathrin Johansson, Head of Startup Relations, and Linn Sidahl, Project Manager Matchmaking and former Startup entrepreneur, share their insights on these collaborations, from the very first startup meeting with a corporate to signing their first deals and building proof of concepts together.

Sign up to get your spot and take the opportunity to talk to them in person and discover how you can also attract corporate business to your startup.


Book your spot, come and join us 

If you can, join us for breakfast at Minc at 09:00, mingle and be inspired

This is open to all and it’s free of charge.


About Breakfast Sessions:

Breakfast Sessions is an opportunity for you to get inspired by our Mincers.

Check Minc website, Minc Slack and/or the Newsletter to be up-to-date.

You need to book your spot after that it’s  only to drop by at the set time and date and be inspired by the person(s) hosting that specific Breakfast Session and make the most out of your time!

This is open to all and it’s free of charge.

This is an initiative by Minc.

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